The Happy Day Project

Have you heard about what Julie and Jeannett are up to this week?
They had this great idea to do something meaningful for others leading up to the holiday season. They are calling it The Happy Day Project.


Don’t you love when you concentrate on someone else for a bit? It is so good to forget about yourself for a while.

Perspective, my friends. Perspective.

I am blessed. We have food. We have a home. We have laughter. Amen.

Do you want to join us? Visit Julie and Jeannett’s blogs for more information and to grab “The Happy Day Project” button. And spread the word!

Julie and Jeannett, can I be you when i grow up? Ok. Cool.


This picture was taken during their session at Blog Sugar. My heart was full and forever changed that day.

We are going to have a great week, friends!

Hugs to you,
