The Happy Day Project {Tuesday}



Kate's iPhone 013

Tuesday:  Handwritten Note Day

Now THAT is one thing I am good at!

Kate's iPhone 014

I love to write letters.

At home, there are available cards in each room.

I carry them in my purse.

We take them to restaurants for the kids to write their grandparents while we wait for dinner.

You can get your supplies here, here, here, here, here, here, here…

{Ok, I’ll tell you – the Genie in Aladdin}

Kate's iPhone 015

If I feel super creative, I can pull out my supplies to make one.

Kate's iPhone 016

Today’s letter will be going to my dear friend, Aimee.

It is her birthday today! I treasure her and think the world of her.

Do you want to join us? Visit Julie and Jeannett’s blogs for more information and to grab “The Happy Day Project” button. And spread the word!

Happy day!
