This post was sponsored Walt Disney World Resort to celebrate even the youngest of believers. All opinions expressed in my post are my own.
There is something magical about sharing friendship with mothers of little ones close in age to your own crew. It is a phase of life that passes at full-speed-ahead with equal parts love over the flushed cheeks at naptime and annoyance of the cereal crusted sticky floor that was just mopped.
Other moms are my life jacket. They are the bright yellow umbrella in my arnold palmer. They are the last minute run to grab coffee when you just need someone to listen to your rambling thoughts as you try to start dinner.
There are two very special moms in my life right now – Jennie and Jinny. We work together and our kids just happen to be the same ages. It is magical.
They are hard working, family loving gems that are a gift to me. My kids love their kids and we can almost each get a full sentence out before someone needs to be reminded that they are not front row at a rock concert and can actually lower the volume of their adorable little voices.
Mary Alice, Sebastian, and I spent the morning prepping for a playdate. Walt Disney World Resort sent a box filled with goodies to use for our playdate and we could not wait to surprise our friends with an epic Lion King playdate.
Playdate Tip #1: Have your kids help set up the playdate
This makes the playdate so fun for them! Don’t worry about where the decorations are placed or if the tablecloth is perfect. Let them own it!
Yes, it will take longer to have their help, but it is much easier than trying to distract them while you are doing everything.
Playdate Tip #2: Use the set up time to review manners and expectations
While you are setting up is the perfect time to go over a few, simple ways to make your guests feel welcome! Talk about how to greet people at the door. Encourage them to welcome them joyfully by their name! (Who doesn’t love to be greeted with a smile!)
It’s the perfect time to remind them about sharing toys and food with their guests. If there is a favorite toy that they really don’t want to share, I allow them to put one toy in their room for later. They are not allowed to bring any toys that they do not wish to share out to common areas. If someone in attendance has a food allergy, it is the perfect time to talk about being thoughtful and careful in what we eat and serve.
Playdates are great practice for future events like holiday family gatherings or birthday parties!
Playdate Tip #3: Remind them that their friends are the important guests of the day!
It can be so easy to get caught up in the decorations or food. Kids will take their cues from you. Remind them that this time is about making their guests feel special and having fun together!
We had a great afternoon together! The kids had fun and the moms covered every topic imaginable – from skincare to sleep woes to ideas for content on Scottsdale Moms Blog. I love those gals and I’m so blessed by them.
The fact that their kids are sweet, funny, and kind to my kids make playdates a slam dunk.
Walt Disney World is rolling out new experiences like Mickey & Minnie’s Surprise Celebration, Party with Pixar Pals, Festival of the Lion King and more! Check out the hashtag #NowMoreThanEver to find other amazing preschool playdate ideas!
If you have the chance to go to Walt Disney World, go! About six years ago, we celebrated my mom’s retirement from 21 years of teaching at Walt Disney World and made memories that my kids still talk about! We stayed at the Art of Animation Resort and out of our hotel window was a statue of Simba. How perfect that the box we received for this playdate was full of Lion King goodness! Riley was so little when we went, but he remembers it so well!
P.S. If you would like a playlist for your Disney Party, check out .