The Picnic Table

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After a miscarriage, I am physically exhausted.

My body is so tired and it is all I can do to keep my eyes open some days.

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Brian had found a picnic table on freecyle and a few Saturdays ago I woke up from a nap to some strange noises…

He had Nate and a friend outside sanding the table.

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We might not talk much about the miscarriage, but this is how he shows me… he just wants everything to be ok.

I love that sanding a picnic table is how he shows me that he loves me.

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If you are struggling with grief ~ in any form, remember ~ everyone handles grief differently.

Someone may not be loving on you the way you want to be loved on. They may be sending you an email when you really want a starbucks. They may be calling you when you would rather have an email.

Remember to respect them and appreciate them for how they do reach out.

This too will pass and those that reach out showed you something unbelievable – unconditional love.

Love was showered on you when you were incapable of returning that love. That handful of people will become your treasure. Adore them and treasure them. Remember how they showed you love – because most likely, that is how they would love to be shown.