The Planters and the Givers


A few weeks ago, The Simple Farm hosted a potluck dinner for those who had planted or given a tree at their farm. I wrote about the day that Riley walked through the garden with Lylah and chose Grandma Wendy’s tree earlier this year.

This night was magical. I followed quietly behind as Riley took Nate to see the tree.

Over the past two years, I’ve watched these two grow a friendship. Nate was thrown fast forward into having a brother and sharing a room. From the beginning, Riley was Nate’s biggest fan. As endearing as that can be, this relationship had it’s finer moments.

Now, I watch as a maturing Nate includes and loves and cheers for his little brother.


My heart burst open as Nate listened as Riley talked about Grandma Wendy and her tree.


Family isn’t always easy or pretty or picture perfect.

Family is loving each other in those ugly times.

Family is being each other’s biggest cheerleader and safe place when the world feels a little too mean and a little too big.
