This is the day…


The Palo Verde trees are in bloom.

There are little yellow pom poms flying everywhere.

When I woke up this morning, I sang ‘This is the Day‘ to get Nate out of bed.

I thought it would annoy him to pieces, but instead he sat straight up, smiled his snaggletooth grin and joined in.


We are almost moved. Almost.

I think know the leftover stuff is multiplying.

Today, on a quick “what do we have left” inspection at the old house, I found two full kitchen drawers, piles under all sinks in the bathrooms and one shelf in Nate’s closet that have things.

Goodness gracious.

Thank you so much for your sweet emails and encouragement. They really lift me up.


Now, just one last thing to mention.

I don’t know how to let you know this without having the same bomb dropped in your lap, but today my dearest Mr. B was let go.

The place he has worked for 8 years.

The reason for our transfer to Arizona.

The reason he has traveled overseas to India.

The reason I became an only parent for 8 months three years ago Monday – Thursday.

That reason is no more.

My heart aches and has shattered for him.

This will most definitely go on my little listy of things to chat with God about over tea when I get there. I think the conversation will go something like this….

“So, you know when we bought our first house on June 14th, 2007 and we moved to Arizona June 14th, 2008…. and then when we closed on our second home on March 13th, 2011 and my dearest Mr. B became unemployed April 13, 2011? Um, yeah, I was just wondering what was up with that? Ok? Ok, thanks”

What am I absolutely sure of?

God has a plan.

God is good.

He is.

No matter what. This IS the day. And I will be glad and rejoice in it.

Goodnight my sweet friends.

I covet prayers once again. Please pray for wisdom, favor and open doors for my dearest.

With much love,
