Thoughts about open adoption

“Adoption has the dimension of connection — not only to your own tribe, but beyond, widening the scope of what constitutes love, ties and family. It is a larger embrace. By adopting, we stretch past our immediate circles and, by reaching out, find an unexpected sense of belonging with others.” – Isabella Rossellini

Open adoption. I know this isn’t a possibility for everyone. I know that for some, especially in international adoption, it is nearly impossible.

What I can tell you is, if you have the opportunity to know, learn from, and be with extended family, please take it. The time you spend with one another, the gift of awkward moments, the rush to get to know one another, and the efforts to build a net of safety and love are so worth it.

This week at school is ‘All about Me’ week for Riley. It is his turn to show baby pictures and tell stories about who he is. Because of our relationship with Riley’s family, we have pictures to send. He has the story of his life and how he was loved so dearly from the beginning. My sweet little boy can talk about two family trees that have worked hard at building a shaded garden to play in, grow, grieve, understand, and love. He can see two families who love his so very dearly and want the best for his future. He can see that we want him to feel safe and loved.

Riley isn’t the only one who has been blessed by this relationship. Tonight, our next little one received a quilt from the hands of Riley’s great aunt.

A quilt… isn’t that just the perfect gift. Little pieces of fabric and story woven together, chosen carefully, to make something beautiful.

If we hadn’t chosen open adoption, we would have never been given the gift of knowing his grandmother (on the right) before she passed. If we hadn’t chosen open adoption, we wouldn’t have known the treasure that is his great aunt.

Oh Riley, what a blessing you’ve been to us. I’m so thankful for your family and how they’ve blessed our lives.