That time we were kicked out of the emergency room – my #MotherFunny Thanksgiving with

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#MotherFunny Thanksgiving

Can you believe that Thanksgiving is just around the corner? Have you started getting stressed about the meal, family, and everything in between? Whenever I start to get overwhelmed about the holidays, mom likes to remind me about one of our past holidays…

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It went a little something like this –

We were eating lunch in downtown Houston at a Fuddruckers. We received a phone call from my aunt. They had called an ambulance for my grandmother. This was horrible news, because my aunt lives about two minutes from my grandmother. Something must have been terribly wrong. We left the best cheese sauce in the known universe on the table.

BJ, mom and I jumped into the Tahoe and away we went. My heart was racing. This is the third Thanksgiving that something has happened. The year before it was her gall bladder. I wasn’t sure if we would be as blessed this year…

We pulled up and raced inside. Got lost. Got found by the kindest nurse ever. (Thank you, Owen). He took us through all the secret hallways that you need a badge for and we went straight to her room.

I immediately told her that if she didn’t like my Thanksgiving cooking, that she could just stop rushing to the hospital every Thanksgiving to avoid it. (I’m witty and appropriate that way).

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{Julia helping me make stuffed mushrooms earlier that day}

She was in pain. I could tell. I know my Grandma. She has lived with a severely hurt back for years and years. She doesn’t fuss about pain. She just keeps on trucking. So, to see her hurting took my breath away.

My mother’s sisters (Aunt Sue and Aunt Margaret – those are my wonderful aunts below) and Uncle Mark were there.

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Mom’s family has an adorable reputation for being WAY TOO LOUD!

Well, we were quite reserved today, until the jokes started. I’m pretty sure that the people next to us were rolling on the floor. The nurses light kept going off ~ I’m sure it was because they wanted to share the jokes they were hearing.

And then it happened. Aunt Margaret said a good one. We rolled. And then we were dismissed.

As we walked out of the room, down the hallway, another family hugged us and thanked us for the giggles.

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Now the fun part – did you know there is an entire website full of hilarious stories. It’s kinda like pinterest – except full of content you laugh hysterically at –

If you need to sit back and laugh with some moms who get it, they even have Thanksgiving covered for you.

Happy Holidays, y’all!

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