Timeouts and Snowman crafts

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A few weeks ago, Brian came home to find me out back on the porch with my glue gun.

I had glass jars, jingle bells, ribbon, and ornaments from the dollar bin at Target.

It had been a loud afternoon. Usually, noise doesn’t bother me – I kinda like the craziness of loud. It makes me happy. But that day, I had given myself a timeout and banished myself to the back porch. Patience was not a virtue I was beautifully displaying.

Brian went on to make a delicious dinner of three grilled cheese, put on music, and cleared off the kitchen table. After a dinner full of laughter, I studied my creations and decided a time out must have been exactly what I needed.

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These were so easy and fun to make and might just keep little hands busy this Friday, so I wanted to share them with you.

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Have a wonderful day, friends!
