Traditions…. Just one

Kate Eschbach Photography-1

The last few months, I have been attending a MOPS group (Mothers of Preschoolers). It has been a true blessing to my heart. It has been a while since I had a little one running around. Nate is now ten, so I’ve forgotten a lot about how quickly the days fly by. A dear friend invited me (thank you, Jennifer), mom encouraged me (as always), and I took a chance and went. I was just sure I would be the oldest mother of a two year old in the room.

None of that matters now. The speakers and the ladies at my table have filled a void that I didn’t even know was there.

Recently, one of the speakers was talking about all of the traditions we try to force and pile on at this time of year. She asked us to think of one – just one – tradition that we would really like to do with our family this year. If nothing else got done, we would finish this one thing.

I thought about how I leave the nativity wrapped carefully in bubble wrap until the advent season begins. On that night, I trust little fingers to gently place the nativity pieces on a table. I hold my breath as beautiful pieces are trusted in their little hands. I think they see the intent stare I give them, and they so carefully put animals, shepherds, Mary, and Joseph in the stable. I watch them change from a silly demeanor into a reverent tenderness as we read Luke 2 and talk about the Savior of the world.

I explain that the Wise Men, or Magi, will not come until the Epiphany – 14 days after Christmas. I let them choose a place in the house that they will travel from – through the desert – to find the Baby Jesus.

This was our first year to do this with Riley. I cried happy tears and I watched Julia and Nate share the responsibility of adding the sheep to the stable.

This will be our one tradition that we hold on to. The stockings may not get hung right away. The elf may forget to move some nights. But we will begin advent with Luke 2 and our nativity each year.

Do you have a favorite advent tradition?

Happy Christmas!
