Andrea Boring joins us to share about Blessed Concepción Cabrera de Armida in this episode of Tripping Over the Saints.

Andrea is a wife and mom of five kiddos, including two sets of twins. She is a Media Relations & Communications Specialist with a deep love for the Church and a special heart of prayer for our Priests. Andrea has found a friend and mentor in Blessed Concepción Cabrera de Armida – in marriage, in motherhood, and in our journey to holiness.

I thoroughly enjoyed learning about Conchita from Andrea! What a blessing it is to learn of those who love Jesus so very much and want to share their love and prayers with us!

“Mary was always the mirror in which My Heart was reflected with all its torments, while in her soul re-echoed something of My interior sufferings. She was aware of the bitterness of the chalice, which I drank for the sake of man, and she suffered in union with Me for the salvation of souls, thus honoring My beloved Father.
During My external passion Mary suffered for some hours, but during My entire life she suffered the other passion, that only she could see, and which was the martyrdom of both of us. My life came to an end on Calvary, but My interior passion continued in Mary up to her death in order to complete My sacrifice and to leave the seed on earth that would take root in other souls.”
– Jesus to Blessed Concepción Cabrera de Armida, from the book Priests of Christ (St. Pauls).

We invite you to learn more about Blessed Concepción Cabrera de Armida!

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