Tween and Teen Style – Vintage Dresses

Disclosure:  Julia was given a dress for the purposes of this post. The opinions expressed here are my own. I am so thankful for companies that work with me to provide quality products for my readers and my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


My sweet Julia… She is amazing. Her heart and her faith are bigger than Texas. She is so fun to shop with and talk with. If I tried to sum up her style, I would use the words – modest, colorful, fun, and fashionable. I grew up a tomboy. I danced, so I usually had a uniform or outfit that I had to wear. The rest of the time, jeans and a polo or t-shirt, were what you could find me in.

Julia is completely different. She puts the cutest combinations together (and even gives me advice!).

When we are looking for a dress for her, it is usually a challenge. At 5’6″, she is now taller than I am. Dresses usually hit her well above the knee. Finding this dress was a huge success!


When we were contacted by Hip Hop 50’s Shop, we had a blast browsing their website! It was hard to decide which dress to choose. She also loved the red one, but she decided on blue. We took her measurements and ordered the dress. It arrived packaged well and it fit perfectly!


I just found out that her friend that has monthly get togethers is having a 50’s night party at the end of this month! I can’t wait to tell Julia – this dress will be perfect!

We will definitely be visiting their website again! We loved finding modest, stylish dresses. You should head over there and take a look! I have always secretly wanted a poodle skirt and saddle shoes 😉