Udderly Smooth {Review and Giveaway}

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Well, you know my rules around here. I’m not going to give away anything that I don’t think you would really like. It’s just that simple.

Until we moved to Arizona, I wasn’t a huge fan of lotion. I might put it on in the winter, but that is about it. Now that I live in the desert, I need lotion every day. I’ve also gotten a little pickier about the fragrance and how it feels.

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Udderly Smooth has a very, very light fragrance that I didn’t notice after a few minutes. I loved how it felt. The only word I can think of to describe it is silky.

Now, this company gets extra bonus points with me. First of all, it is family owned and operated – huge bonus points. Be sure and watch the video below. Getting to meet the owners of a product and hear their story is a rare treat! Hearing their story made me an even bigger fan of their product!

Plus, they clearly have a great sense of humor with their name! I decided to share a few kid friendly jokes with you in the spirit of their humor!

Q: Why did the cow cross the road?

A: To get to the udder side.

Q: How does a cow get to the mooooon?

A: It flies through udder space!

You’re welcome 🙂

Be sure and enter to win a gift set below!

Have a great day,


a Rafflecopter giveaway