Will you go home a different way? {The feast of the Epiphany}

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This morning, the Gospel reading was from Matthew 2.

After the reading, Father Fred’s homily (sermon) was about the last verse – “And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod,  they departed for their country by another way.” He challenged us to go home a different way – changed by the coming of our Savior.

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Tonight, mom read this Gospel out loud and then we took the wise men over to visit Baby Jesus. (They had been hanging out on the craft cabinet behind the couch just waiting for today so that they could finally see the baby.)  The kids carefully took the wise men over and smiled as they put them down and completed our Nativity scene.

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We talked about the gifts that the wise men brought to Baby Jesus. And then, we talked about what gifts we could give to Jesus. We wrote them down on paper and hid the paper inside the empty stockings to find next year. Julia and Nate chose to keep the gifts that they give to Jesus private, but Riley wanted to share Winnie the Pooh with Baby Jesus. I think He will love that.

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