Word of the Year Calm {2016}

My Word of the Year Calm for 2016

I love the tradition of choosing a word. In January, I think of the word often. And for the rest of the year, I am in constant amazement when the word surfaces in conversation or text.

Word of the Year

When mom was here last week, I was thinking out loud with her about what my word for 2016 should be. I kept coming back to the word “calm”. She asked me why, so I shared with her something Brian once told me.

He told me that he loves coming home in the evening because it is calm. It may be noisy, sink-full-of-dirty-dishes, laundry-on-the-stairs crazy, but he said that it just feels like home. It is calm.

Full Definition of calm

  1. 1a:  a period or condition of freedom from storms, high winds, or rough activity of water

  2. 2:  a state of tranquility

This reminds me of Christmas. (stay with me – I’ll try to make sense). You know the words to the popular Christmas carol, “All was calm, All was bright.” I’ve often wondered what on earth the author was thinking. If you’ve ever been in the room during a birth, one of the last things you think is “calm”.

Noisy? Yes.

Messy? Absolutely.

But there is a beautiful peace that is happening. I think this is what the author of that carol was trying to convey. There was calm.

I love that Brian thinks that about our home. I want to work hard so that he always feels that way. After I shared that story, mom looked at me and said, “Then your word is calm.”

As I pulled the words from past years, and noticed 2012 was also calm, I looked up what I shared…

My brain races back and forth between thoughts filled with cartwheels, back hand springs and shouting to the world what a beautiful day it is and a stressed out, worrying, grudge-holder with never ending to do lists.

If plans change around me, watch out.

Batten down the hatches. I may absolutely explode.

If you tell me that we will be eating lunch at home and you change your mind to take me out to a fabulous Mexican dinner, be prepared that my reaction may actually resemble disappointment, because in the past hour, I have planned out how I will start the grilled cheese, run upstairs to thrown the laundry into the dryer, flip the grilled cheese, empty the dishwasher and yell to the kids to make their own drink.

Your sweet efforts may be lost in a new catastrophe of undone laundry and a concern over the pile of dishes in the sink.

In 2012, calm was about me.

This time, calm will be more about my home.

What is your word this year?! It’s also fun to see what other people are choosing as their word! It may give you a little inspiration.

Looking over the words that I have chosen, I giggle that duplicates happen. It reminds me that God is not finished with me yet. He is still wearing off all of my rough edges – and some of us take a little longer to get it than others.

Background {2015}

Shine {2014)

Grace {2013}

Calm {2012}

Grace {2011}

Trust {2010}

Overshadowed {2009}

Available {2008}