Do you choose a word of the year? Since 2008, I’ve chosen a word to reflect on throughout the year.
*The idea of a word of the year was first introduced to me by my dear friend Heather. Once upon a time, she had a lovely blog full of beautiful inspiration. I’m very glad to call her friend. She told me of Ali Edwards, OneWord365, and her own collection of beautiful inspiration.
Every year, as I pray about my word the year before, I think over how God has used the word in my life. I think of how He has used the word as part of my story to point back to His plan and His glory.
Last years word, abundance, was a constant reminder of God’s showers of blessings on our family. Yes, there are hard times. Yes, parenting and marriage are work – hard, intentional work. But oh How He has showered us with His love. The way His hand moves in our out of our story, weaving something that only a poet could describe and only an artist could visualize, brings comfort on the days when I have nothing left to give. I am reminded that He alone is the source of my strength and He alone is the source of anything good that comes from my efforts.
Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. – Colossians 3:2
Years of sleepless nights have become something that I know will pass.
Sending a child to college makes me inexplicably giddy for little fingers and tongues held just between cherub lips in perfect concentration.
Working with therapists and special needs teachers has softened me from an achievement overdrive prevalent in our community. Years ago, I was the parent calling to ask why one of my children was helping other children to read instead of being challenged to read to the next level. Annoyed that my child wasn’t receiving the academic push they deserved, I missed the bigger picture – that they were learning to serve and love and respect others with different abilities. Now, I am the parent writing thank you notes to the other parents when children are patient and kind with a child who is terrified of reading out loud, because they are the one who needs help.
Instead of presents, we took a trip with my parents over Christmas, spending precious time and making memories.
Mothering five children shows me that it is not my parenting that determines their personality. My parenting can provide them with tools and boundaries and love. My parenting does not determine God’s will for their life. My parenting does not change their free will.
The joys and pain of 2018, the funerals and tears, do not change the truth of who God is. They do not change the truth that He is love. They do remind me that this earth is not my home. They do remind me that I do not understand His permissive will, but that I do not need to. I am not God.
So, this year, I will work on the areas where I have not let perspective seep into my life. I will try to better understand the refugee and the homeless. I will work to understand what my husband needs when he walks through the door after a long day at work. I will calmly react to my children’s needs and what they are really asking for. I will pray to hold my tongue and ponder things in my heart.
I love this tradition to pick out a word (or have a word choose you!)
Abundance {2018}
Trust {2017)
Calm {2016}
Background {2015}
Shine {2014)
Grace {2013}
Calm {2012}
Grace {2011}
Trust {2010}
Overshadowed {2009}
Available {2008}
Have you chosen a word this year? I’d love to hear what it is!