Word of the Year {2020}

Do you choose a word of the year? Since 2008, I’ve chosen a word to reflect on throughout the year.

*The idea of a word of the year was first introduced to me by my dear friend Heather. Once upon a time, she had a lovely blog full of beautiful inspiration. I’m very glad to call her friend. She told me of Ali Edwards, OneWord365, and her own collection of beautiful inspiration.

For the past few years, I’ve had the privilege of speaking to different MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) groups on choosing a word of the year. It is such a fun experience with a group of friends. Everyone is excitedly bouncing ideas off one another and telling stories of words that keep coming to mind.

As I drove to the talk this year, I was panicked. Sebastian had not slept the night before and I didn’t have my word, yet. How could I possibly speak to a room full of women about choosing a word when I didn’t have one?

I began to ask God to give me some sign. Literally. I wanted it to be on a billboard as I drove down Indian Bend. I looked all around and didn’t see a thing. Was I really supposed to give this talk without knowing my word? (He’s so patient with my childish requests. I’m pretty sure He thinks I’m adorable.)

Yes, part of my talk is to pray and seek His guidance on what he would like you to work on, with Him, but I felt this pressure to have my word chosen.

Whenever I speak, it amazes me how different each audience can be. Some are loud and silly and energetic, but this time, there was a quiet, sweet Spirit that covered the room. I felt like someone there needed to know it was alright if they were at the very beginning of the journey with Him. And picking out a word, one little word, is the perfect way to start a friendship with our sweet Savior.

My very first table mentor from my MOPS experience was there, smiling at me the entire time. She prayed sweet words over me before I spoke and calmed my nervous heart. In her prayer, she mentioned the word, Joy. When I arrived at home, later that day, I opened a sweet present from the group, and there it was – the cutest little ornament with the word, Joy.

There was no billboard. There was nothing flashy. But my heart knew.

I’ve struggled with joy this year. I’ve struggled to remember when true happiness comes from – knowing it is well with my soul.

My pace continues to slow down to attend to my family more. My home becomes more organized, more calm, and more predictable as I continue to choose my time away wisely. It is a beautiful, wonderful thing that God is doing in my life. Instead of my eyes searching for the next thing I need to do, my gaze has started to rest on Him. I still have a long way to go with this, but it’s a beginning.

However, to show my sweet children joy is my next challenge. To not get wrapped up in the trivial moments of inconvenience, to remember how truly little they are and how fast this time with them goes, and to be an example of joy according to His purpose is what I will be working on this year.

Perspective {2019}

Abundance {2018}

Trust {2017)

Calm {2016}

Background {2015}

Shine {2014)

Grace {2013}

Calm {2012}

Grace {2011}

Trust {2010}

Overshadowed {2009}

Available {2008}

Have you chosen a word this year? I’d love to hear what it is!

If you need help getting started, I’ve written a post to help you : Choosing your word on the year.