Word of the Year | 2014

Kate Eschbach Photography-Shine

2013 was amazing! Grace – the free and unmerited favor poured into our life like rain.

Brian’s job is going well. Julia is loving her new school. Nate is rocking fifth grade. Riley. 🙂  I am loving photography.

I’ve met more new friends through blogging and MOPS and church. And as I type this – my Aggies are winning!

This next year – I just want to Shine. I just want to share the love and encouragement that has been poured onto me. So that is it – 2014 – Shine!

What is your word of the year? I’d love to know!

Grace {2013}

Calm {2012}

Grace {2011}

Trust {2010}

Overshadowed {2009}

Available {2008}