Do you choose a word of the year? Since 2008, I’ve chosen a word to reflect on throughout the year. Usually the word is one that I don’t necessarily “want”. I’ll pray and ask what word He’d like me to think about, and a word will keep showing up in front of me. I let Him know that I’d rather have a “pretty” word, like flourish. But usually, I keep tripping over the word until I agree.

You would think I’d learn by now!

Trust was also my word in 2010. Apparently I need a redo on this word.

When I think about it, this year will be a year full of trust:

  • My oldest child driving
  • Having a little boy in March
  • Having another c-section

In 2010, I wrote:

Trusting God to know that His plan is better than we could ever imagine. His plan is for you to succeed and prosper – not as the world measures success and prosperity, but as He measures.

Trusting God that He will carry you through everything… He will continue to give me the strength to be available for His purpose. He will give me the gentleness and humility to be overshadowed – by my children, by my family, by Him – not to constantly seek praise…


Those words are all still so true.

I love this tradition to pick out a word (or have a word choose you!)

Calm {2016}

Background {2015}

Shine {2014)

Grace {2013}

Calm {2012}

Grace {2011}

Trust {2010}

Overshadowed {2009}

Available {2008}

Have you chosen a word this year? I’d love to hear what it is!

If you’d like stationery to go with your word, head over to my etsy shop and let me know what you would like!