Ye Olde Mug Swap

Oh my goodness! @knownasemj  I love it!  #mugswap2013  that mug is adorable!!!

A Cuppa Kim does a super cool Mug Swap every year. Do you know her? So, I met her while standing in line for Blog Sugar. I was so nervous and she was so sweet. So I started reading her blog. She is a traveler, so I get to live vicariously through her awesome stories!

I’ve missed it the past two years.

This year, I was ready.

We we received our assignments, I was super nervous. I was assigned Mrs. Instagram herself – Jeannett from Life Rearranged. Dude. What do you send a rockstar?

And then, I got my package.

Miss Emily totally nailed it. That mug is so super cute! And how did she know that I like tea better than coffee? Brilliant mind reader.

Thank you, Emily! I loved your package and I am saving my tea for a special occasion!