Whatever You Do…


It is one of those weeks…

Going from one busy week to another.

This week has some down time, but instead of relishing the downtime I am feeling a little overwhelmed.

Thinking about what I didn’t get done last week.

Thinking about what next week will bring.

Thinking about bracing for the holidays.

I figure if I am in that boat, then probably some of you are, too.

So, this week, I want to leave you with pretty pictures and a little encouragement.

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men. Colossians 3:23

Whatever you do. Whatever!

Waking up on time.

Pouring a cup of coffee for your beloved.

Kissing the littles on the top of the head.

Answering the phone with a smile.

You can do it!

Have a wonderful day and hang in there.