

Last weekend, I traveled to Tulsa, Oklahoma to spend time with Ashley and attend her SnapShops workshop.

We planned this a few months ago, before knowing the life changes we’d be going through.


Again, Mr. B insisted that I go.

Go learn. Go laugh. Go do something for myself.

So, I went.

{Yes, I know. I have the most gracious, kind husband ever}


As I drove up that morning, I was so nervous.

Would I talk too much?

Would I laugh too loudly?

Would my shirt bunch up in the back when I bent over?

As I got out of the car, there was her sweet family playing outside.

It was absolutely surreal.

As I walked into Ashely’s home, she greeted me and I was instantly at ease.


Ashley was a friend, talking about her photography journey and showing you how to use your camera. Not once during the class, did I feel silly or out of place.

I learned SO much. Things I learned that I didn’t know:

  • When people say shooting on manual, they do not mean manual focus.
  • I learned how to change my ISO (don’t worry, I didn’t actually stand up and do a happy dance, I just shook my booty in my seat).
  • I learned what aperture really is and how it can enhance your pictures
  • I learned that I am still desperately in love with Tex-Mex food
  • I learned that I am very at ease when photographing children. I want their mommies to have really great pictures of them that capture their personality.
  • I was reminded how much I love using photos to tell stories
  • I was reminded how precious this ‘blogland’ is and how you find people that are mentors and encouragers and friends on the ‘interwebs’

The pictures below were all shot on manual, during a photo shoot scenario.






I can’t wait to see where the next part of my journey takes me.

If you ever have the opportunity to take a class by Ashely, I would highly recommend it! You will learn so much that you didn’t even know you were missing!

Have a wonderful day!

~ Kate