Nate and the fox

I am a part of a photography group with Nancy as our fearless leader. Between teaching photography classes online, Nancy hosts a Facebook group for those of us who have completed the classes. We’ve become an international sisterhood of sorts. America, Canada, and Finland are just a few of the countries represented. There are always projects going on and discussions about equipment and clients and beauty.

This year, we did a ‘traveling mask project’. This fox mask has made its way around the earth with different stories and interpretations of the mask.

The mask arrived over quarantine and Nate agreed to be my muse.

Inspired by this song, we set out on a drive, pulled over on Highway 87.

If you have a minute, enjoy! Turn on the song and scroll the pictures below.

Thank you, Nate for being my muse, my company in this crazy time, my sweet helper, and my theological debater. I can’t believe you are heading in to your senior year. You are gonna fly, sweet young man. You’ve got this.