Product Review by Riley: Ultimate Pool Ball by Activ Life

Riley is my outside kid. He loves to be outside. He loves to explore and ride bikes and take dogs for walks and swim.

This summer has definitely been hard on him. He misses his friends and really doesn’t like being stuck inside with the heat.

When we moved into our home, I remember being surprised that you couldn’t find a home in Phoenix that didn’t have a pool. After the first summer, I completely understood why!

Well, earlier this summer, Riley asked if he could help me with my social media. He wanted to review toys. I agreed but told him I wasn’t sure if we would be able to find much during this very strange time.

I’m excited to tell you that Riley is the newest toy reviewer for Activ Life! He has taken his role very seriously agreed to test the products for you. *read – cutie patootie melts mom’s heart*

So, if you see Riley telling you about a product, cheer him on, okay?! I’m so proud of him for finding something fun to do during this crazy time!

First up is the Pool Ball. There is an adapter that allows you to fill the ball with water! After you fill it with water, you can dribble it off the bottom of the pool and pass it under water.

We’ve played with it the past two evenings and all the kids love it!

Tonight, we played keep away. Everyone had a great time and the ball is the perfect size for everyone to play!